Creating a shared vision for the future of OSHC in Tasmania
This is your chance to be a part of a dynamic new group, coming together to share fresh ideas, build knowledge, strengthen connections and open the door to new opportunities.Our members will meet bi-monthly and gatherings will include; practical professional learning, topical conversations and opportunities for guest speakers. It is intended for each gathering to be held at a different OSHC service throughout the year, providing opportunities to gain insight into practice from a variety of settings.
Innovative OSHC Environments
This gathering will explore a range of innovative OSHC environments, breaking down the key components and resources utilised to make exciting and engaging indoor and outdoor spaces for school age children.
Scott will also share information about his recent visit to Camp Hill OSHC, an amazing award winning program that caters for 195 children at BSC and 220 children at ASC. This services approach will make you rethink the way you provide quality play-based learning environments for children – Don’t miss this one!!
Facilitator: Scott Gibson
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