Our Programs

Little Scientists


Inquiry-based learning in STEM

Gowrie Training & Consultancy is the sole provider of the Little Scientists program in Tasmania and has been delivering the program across the state for the past 3 years.

Our early-STEM professional development program offers affordable, face-to-face workshops for early childhood educators and teachers. The program is designed to promote confidence in facilitating STEM learning and empower those working children aged 3-6 years to implement playful, inquiry-based experiences in educational programs.

Become a Certified Little Scientist House 

We offer the opportunity to become a certified Little Scientists House. All early childhood services participating in our Little Scientists Program that are committed to early STEM and scientific exploration can apply.

Successful applications are rewarded with a Little Scientists Certification plaque, demonstrating to parents and the community, that their service is committed to inquiry-based learning and Early STEM. It also promotes the service as a progressive and active learning environment incorporating the concepts of inquiry-based learning, metacognition and co-construction.

To become a Little Scientists House your service needs a minimum of 2 educators that have attended a minimum of 2 workshops each. You need to fill out and send in an application that includes the documentation of an early STEM project by the children in your service.

Application details are available at: https://littlescientists.org.au/certification

Alignment to Early Years Learning Framework

Our professional development workshop program provides teachers and educators with a variety of tools and educational concepts to meet a range of requirements of the National Quality Framework (NQF) and Early Yearly Learning Framework (EYLF).

The Little Scientists project is supported and funded by the Australian Government Department of Education and Training through the National Innovation and Science Agenda.
