What is Playwork, and how can this approach support school age children?
Originating in Europe, Playwork is the work of creating and maintaining spaces for children to play. The theory and practice of Playwork recognises that children’s play should ideally be “freely chosen, personally directed and intrinsically motivated.”
Over the past 2-3 years Australia has seen a steady increase of Playwork approaches in OSHC services, particularly on the mainland. This approach has resulted in strengthened relationships between children and educators, and increased engagement levels from children of all ages and abilities.
Playwork has also recently been recognised as a theory/influence for OSHC in ACECQA’s Educational Leadership in Action Addendum for Outside School Hours Care.
This session will provide opportunities for OSHC educators, leaders, and teams to:
- Develop a deeper understanding of observing and understanding children’s play through the lens of The Play Cycle and Bob Hughes’ Taxonomy of Play Types
- Build understanding around the concept of Playwork and how this can be applied to everyday practice with children
- Explore the role of the Playworker and the impact of adulteration on children’s play
- Reflect on our biases and perceptions around what play can look like in any OSHC setting
- Build advocacy for children’s right to play as stated in Article 31 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)
Participants will be provided with information around where to access key resources to continue building their understanding of Playwork, reflect on a selection of short videos highlighting the Playwork approach, engage in scenarios relevant to OSHC settings, and take part in deep level conversations around the positive and negative impact we have on children’s play.
Facilitator: Scott Gibson
Ticket Type | Price | Cart |
OSHC Networking Group | $40 |
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